Thursday, January 10, 2013

"The Villager"

“The Villager”

“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit enabled them”    Acts 2:4

My love for you will never end
My love for you will always stand
My love for you will keep us together
My love for you will always understand

As the queen walked through the night-time and gazed at the moon
She watched the wind blowing the clouds, the next shadow was coming soon
Her ears were full of the rustling of the wind in her hair
And the smell of the ocean breeze filled the air...

In the distance she heard the villagers singing... (ch)

Suddenly the tone of the tiny island was changed
The alarm had been sounded and only echoes remained
She ran to her people and looked out on the sea
And panted the order to fight to be free

In their ears was still ringing... (ch)

She stood in silence gazing into their eyes
The alarm had been sounded by the villager’s cries
She knew they had to go... they each had their part
But what she saw on the horizon tore at her heart

They left singing... (ch)

40 days later she was woken with a shake
The only survivor of a nightmare she could not wake
They were gone, and she longed to hear
The gentle rhythm that echoed in her ears

In her mind was ringing... (ch)Surrounded by the silence the foreign tongues brought to her soul
She served from day to day... feeling shattered... longing to be whole
The words were so different from her native tongue
She longed to know someone understood what here soul sung

In her heart she was singing... (ch)

Suddenly hundreds of muffled voices pushed through the door
She stopped what she was doing and listened for more
Could it be... did she hear... did she dare to believe???
A voice she could understand so clear... did she dare to receive???

She heard them singing... (ch)

For so long she had though the language she had once heard everyday
Was gone forever, but the voices at the door showed God had made a way
She opened the door, and walked into the crowd
Peace filled her as the Holy Spirit declared His Love clear and loud

She joined them singing... (ch)

Time passed in the midst of this joyful crowd... how much she didn’t know
Looking up she saw the woman she knew as only master... tears beginning to show
“I give you freedom,” the woman said walking to her. “Please, forgive me.”
With love in her spirit she freely forgave and they worshiped in liberty.

They stood there singing...(ch)

When The Holy Spirit came to that faithful crowd,
and tongues of fire praised God out loud
Language barriers and chains were broken and hearts began to mend,
and slave and master were transformed to friend and friend

They never stopped singing... (ch)

LN Maher
©1998 Echoes of The Lion’s Roar (3/21)

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